Sunday, April 1, 2012
1:00 PM
The Molinari Quartet is pleased to announce its Fifth International Competition for Composition for string quartet.
Composers are invited to submit an original work for string quartet. The best compositions will be played in concert during the Molinari Quartet's Twentieth and Beyond series to be held in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) during the 2012-2013 season.
The jury will be comprised of the Molinari Quartet's artistic director and its musicians, in addition to well-known Canadian composers Jean Lesage et Nicols Gilbert who will determine four winners. The winning compositions will be performed by the Molinari Quartet during a special concert during the 2012-2013 season. After the concert performance the jury will deliberate and choose the order of the winners. The First Prize winner shall receive a $3000 grant as well as a silkscreen by renowned Canadian artist Guido Molinari. The second prize winner will receive a $2000 grant and the third prize winner a $1000 grant. The jury reserves the right not to grant all three prizes.
The winners will be invited to work with the Molinari Quartet prior to the concert and to participate in the Dialogues at the Chapelle, a public workshop of discussions and analysis produced by the Molinari Quartet.
Rules for Eligibility:
—Candidates must for 40 years old or less as of April 1st 2012, the due date for registration.
—The work must not exceed 20 minutes.
—Only works for string quartet that have neither been performed professionnally nor published as of April
1st 2012 shall be accepted.
—Scores must be received by the Molinari Quartet at the latest April 1st 2012. (The post office stamp shall
be recognized as the receiving date)
—Registration fees of $25 CAN must accompany all scores.
—A candidate may submit more than one work, but each work must be sent separately.
—Parts and scores shall remain the property of the Molinari Quartet.
—The candidate must send a score as well as separate playing parts to the Molinari Quartet.
—All scores must be sent anonymously; only a pseudonym can appear on the score pages.
—The candidate shall also send a sealed envelope bearing his or her pseudonym which will contain his or
her name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, birth date, resumé as well as a statement
as to the fact that the work is yet unpublished and that it has never been performed.
—The composer whose work has been chosen as one of the winning compositions, will not receive any
extra payment for the execution or recording of the work.
—The winners of the competition commit themselves to find the necessary funding for a stay in Montreal to
work with the Molinari Quartet and assist to the performance in the 2012-2013 season.
Competition Calendar:
Competition launch: September 2011
Due date for registration and receiving scores: April 1 st 2012
Jury: May 2012
Announcement of winners: May 2012
Winners Concert: 2012-2013 season
Please send the scores to :
Molinari Quartet
P.O. Box 56536
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H1W 3Z3